Be sure to inspect this excellent value home with a "HUGE BONUS" being that of a large fully lined shed at the rear of the property that incorporates 3 multi-purpose rooms…Call Michael today for your inspection or check open home times
Features Include:
- 3 very generous bedrooms all with ceiling fans
- Large lounge room, separate dining and a spacious kitchen with a stainless steel free standing oven
- There is a long carport attached to the home that will accommodate 2 vehicles
- Positioned in the sought after suburb of Kepnock and surrounded by schools, day care centres and close to CBD
- Massive fully lined shed at the rear that features 3 multi-purpose rooms plus a workshop space towards the back and a garden shed at the back of the block which is a perfect 809m2 in size
- The home is solid and has great bones; with a little cosmetic makeover it would certainly gain instant value
- Vendors have committed to selling and will look at all serious offers…Tenants in place and are happy to stay put should an investor wish to purchase. A rental return to be expected around $270 per week
Air Conditioning
Fully Fenced